to Storyteller
A Whedonverse Convention Report Archive
Everyone likes to read about what happened at the conventions - what actors were there, what they said, who in the fandom showed up, etc., so instead of searching the internet looking for reports, I've decided to make it easy on everyone and archive them here.
Storyteller is currently accepting submissions, no matter the length, and will archive your pictures as well. So if you have a con, or a BtVS/AtS or Firefly related trip/gig report, drop me an email, but please be sure to read the rules before submitting it. Thanks!
Though the archive is currently fairly small, there are still excellent reports to read from fans who have attended everything from Vulkon run events to RPUK/JM Live events. In theory, I'd love to gather a report for every Whedonverse con that has taken place. However, my attempts have been slow, but I'm still dedicated to this mission so that everyone who couldn't make it to a con can at least live vicariously through those who have.
For those who are more interested in what conventions are coming up and who the guests will be, just follow the link on the menu for "Upcoming Conventions." Each month has a calendar of what cons will be taking place as well as what guests have been signed for that particular convention. I try to keep this as updated as possible with the appropriate links so that you can access the conventions' home pages if you're interested in attending. Also, if you know of a con that isn't listed, make sure you email me to let me know.
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Again, welcome to Storyteller and enjoy your stay!